Therapies and Treatments

There is no cure for an autism spectrum disorder, at this time, and there is no one size fits all approach to treatment and intervention. However, for younger children obtaining intervention services during the early years can help them learn vital behavioral, communication, educational and socialization skills needed to lead them towards independence. Although the focus is on younger children, learning does not conclude during a child’s early years, it continues through a person’s life span. Therefore, young adolescents and adults will require similar assistance to enhance their skills that are needed to function in life. Also community and job coach training, along with the treatment options listed below are essential as well. It is necessary that families focus on their son’s or daughter’s interests, likes, dislikes, weaknesses, strengths, and communication style as they start the planning process for addressing a child, young adolescent or adult daily needs.

The treatment options for a person on the autism spectrum may include but not be limited to age-appropriate and functional educational and habilitative plans, behavioral and communication programs, training, sensory integration, occupational and speech therapies. In addition, due to a person with an autism spectrum disorder unique learning characteristics, training for all involved with the individual, teaching, and the utilization of teaching techniques, visual supports and positive behavioral supports are essential as well for addressing an individual’s challenges and providing a better quality of life.

Since we do not endorse a particular treatment option for adults or children, it is recommended that families should research what resources are available in their community and obtain knowledge regarding options that may be effective for their child. This should be considered before making a final decision in reference to the best treatment options to develop and utilize.

Please contact our “Information and Resource Specialist” regarding more detailed information about treatment options for persons affected by an autism spectrum disorder. Contact us at (803) 750-6988.

Evidenced Based-Practices:

What are evidenced-based practices? Evidence-based practices and programs are specific teaching techniques and positive behavioral intervention approaches that have been researched, tried and have been determined to have progressive effects on improved outcomes through several assessments.

Why are they important? Some people tend to want a “quick fix” without conducting research to obtain solid scientific and clinical evidence in reference to what discipline to utilize to address a person with an autism spectrum disorder pressing needs. For over the past two decades, several evidence-based practices have shown to be effective regarding addressing the needs of persons with an autism spectrum disorder.

This attached links provides an overview of information for parents, teachers and other professionals regarding evidenced based practices to review, consider, develop and utilize for persons affected by an autism spectrum disorder.


Building Connections


We are actively building connections with businesses, schools, government and churches to provide resources to families in need across South Carolina. If you need help in your home or would like to help, please contact us! We cannot wait to hear from you!