Welcome to the South Carolina Autism Society!



The South Carolina Autism Society is a historically statewide 501(c) (3) non-profit charitable organization that provides case management; educational mentoring and planning; information, referral and resources; outreach; and training for people with Autism, their families, and professionals who serve them.

 The South Carolina Autism Society also strongly advocates with state and federal governments to pass legislation to provide the services necessary for Autistic people to live fully.  Our mission is to create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.

How can you help?

Donate to support our programs and services, sign up to volunteer at our events, or reach out to us and find out what programs might be most helpful to you.  No matter what you need,  The South Carolina Autism Society can get you started.  For more information, please call 803.750.6988; email:  scas@scautism.org


We envision a world where everyone in the Autism community is connected to the support they need, when they need it.

2024 Program Services and Marketing Survey

The Autism Society of South Carolina [affectionately known as “SCAS”] requests your assistance by completing this survey to help the organization best organize plans for future services of interest.  The purpose of this survey is to gather information from parents, self-advocates, and those in the Autism community, to address training, services, and other support needs.  

In The News.

SCAS Celebrates the Amendment of Section 23-3-330, Endangered Person Notification System.

The Governor signs an amendment to bill 23-3-330 relating to the Endangered Notification System to provide for the dissemination of information regarding missing persons believed to be suffering Alzheimer’s Disease or a Developmental Disability such as autism spectrum disorder through the use of wireless emergency alert notifications, department of transportation message signs, SLED wireless emergency alerts and certain media outlets.

SCAS Receives a donation from Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative. 


Account Representatives with Mid-Carolina presented SCAS with a donation in the amount of $9,000.00. Funds will be used to improve the quality of life for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. On behalf of the organization, Executive Director, Shawn Keith thanked Mid-Carolina for their support in achieving its mission. 

Mid Carolina Electric Cooperative

First Responder Training – Cover Story by WLTX News 19

ASD and Higher Education

Board Chair, Melanie Wiley Gail works at her lab desk in the  Health Clinical Sciences Building as an MUSC student pursuing her MD and doctorate while representing the autism community.


Volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers with us

SCAS offers opportunities for persons that would be interested in donating their time to help us work towards our mission to create connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully.  The volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to awareness, fundraising, conferences, mentoring, office, outreach and training.

Please contact our office if you would be interested in becoming a volunteer.  Our office number is (803) 750-6988.  Someone may conduct an intake screening to find out what areas in which you would like to help.

**The South Carolina Autism Society (SCAS) does not endorse or recommend any specific products, services, providers, camps, or other programs. Therefore, appearance on this list cannot be construed as an endorsement or recommendation.  SCAS provides this information for informational purposes and the convenience of its consumers

Contact Us 

Please fill out the form below to submit a question or comment or to be added to our mailing lists. You can also call us at 803-750-6988 or visit our office at 806 12th Street, West Columbia, SC 29169

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Specialized License Plate

The Autism Society South Carolina sponsors a license plate via the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.  The license plate is available to all residents across the state of South Carolina for a fee of ($30.00) dollars every two years.  You will need to continue paying for your regular motor vehicle registration fee.

Proceeds from the “Autism Awareness” license plate sales will be used for advocacy, education, information, and referral services.