Conference Room Rental Agreement Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.The following terms and conditions apply: 1. All individuals and/or businesses must complete a Room Rental Agreement Form at the time the room is reserved.2. A deposit of one/half of the total rental charge is required at the time of reservation. The remainder of payment is due 24 hours before the day of rental. All room rental payments are non-refundable. 3. All event guests must park on the business premises only. If additional parking is needed, you must have prior approval from neighboring businesses. 4. The conference room will be set up with the selected layout and available equipment. 5. Renters are responsible for any damage to the facilities and/or contents and fixtures. All damage must be reported to the staff immediately. Room Renters will be expected to cover all repairs and replacement cost of any damage to the facility itself and or the contents of such. 6. Nothing shall be attached to the walls, ceiling, or any fixtures. 7. The renters shall assume all responsibility for all actions of their guest and shall allow no unlawful or disruptive activities. The event shall be supervised during the entire period of use.The meeting room shall not be used for any fraudulent purpose. 9. The room must be left in proper order, with all paper, trash, cups, etc. disposed of in trash receptacles. If tables and chairs have been rearranged, they must be returned to their original positions. 10. Outside food and beverages are allowed and must be provided by the renter. 11. No smoking and/or alcohol is permitted on the premises.Attendees agree to not use other office work areas, staff computers, staff phones, or the other areas of the building. Use is limited to the room rented, common and public areas such as restrooms. 13. No weapons, including but not limited to firearms and knives, concealed or otherwise on the premises of any SCAS property and that of its clients, regardless of whether the employee possesses a concealed weapon permit (CCW) or is allowed by law to possess a weapon. 14. It is understood, the Autism Society of South Carolina is in no way responsible for any personal injuries, property damages, or other liabilities that may be incurred during use of their facility. Renter agrees to release indemnity and hold the Autism Society of South Carolina, its employees, and partners harmless of any such damages.Signature Clear Signature Submit