Exciting News! Community Bag Program
We are so excited to share that SC Autism Society has been selected to be a part of the Community Bag Program at Bi-Lo at 2349 Augusta Rd, West Columbia, SC 29169, which is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.
For the month of April, each time a reusable Community Bag is purchased at the Bi-Lo located at 2349 Augusta Rd, West Columbia, SC 29169, $1 will be donated to SC Autism Society, unless otherwise directed by the customer through the Giving Tag. You can find the two colorful reusable Community Bags with the Giving Tag on the reusable bag rack at the store. The key is to look for the bags with a tag that features a blue heart with $1 in it.
This is a great way to raise awareness, support the environment and fund raise for our cause. Imagine if everyone bought TWO!
Let’s get started! We can begin by spreading the news to our friends and family. Call, send emails, and post on social media. The more people who learn about the program and purchase the Community Bag during the month of April, the more money we will raise.
To learn more about this program, please visit seg.bags4mycause.com.